Welcome to Discovery Harbour Community Association's Official Website


August 10th - 9:00 AM HST
At The Community Center

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Registering will allow owners to view the members' only pages.
New registrations are usually approved during DHCA office hours.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 8 AM to Noon

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of David Tate as its newest member.  Dave previously served on the DHCA Board and will also serve as the Chair of the Common Grounds Committee.  

The Board is also saddened to announce the resignation of Director Matt Ferguson effective August 5th.  Matt and his wife Julie have decided to put their home on the market and return to Michigan to be closer to family.  Matt and Julie will be sorely missed in our community.  But for every dark cloud there is a silver lining.  Karen Morrow has agreed to fill the remainder of Matt's term on the Board.  Karen is currently out of state, but she will bring a wealth of knowledge from her work experience in the legal field.  It is anticipated that Karen will assume the duties of Chair of the Neighborhood Watch Committee.  Although Dave and Karen were the only applicants, the Board believes that they are both more than qualified to represent their fellow members.  Please join us in congratulating Dave and Karen on their appointments.

SPIG vs. DHCA Lawsuit
DHCA and SPIG engaged in mediation on July 2nd in an attempt to resolve SPIG's two lawsuits.  Unfortunately, the mediation did not achieve a resolution of the dispute, and an impasse was declared.  Settlement between two sides to a dispute typically requires compromise by both sides.  Mediation is also a confidential process.  Out of respect for the process, the DHCA Board of Directors will refrain from further comment about mediation.  The Board will continue to act in accordance with the best interest of our members and the subdivision.

The order by Judge Nakamoto is not final or appealable at this time.  Rumors that question the existence of the Discovery Harbour Community Association are also untrue.  DHCA continues to function for the benefit of its members and the subdivision.  Your Board of Directors is committed to promoting the best interests of the entire Discovery Harbour community     



The Neighborhood Watch Team Is Growing - Join Us


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